Thursday, 19 January 2012


Well yesterday I didn't get the blog. Had a really clumsy day in the kitchen, trying to make bikkies, bread and slice. I kept dropping things, wrong measures and losing things. The white bread isn't rising properly and is quite heavy and sticky!! The anzac bikkes are to dry and my slice base is to soft and because there is no copha to add to the chocolate top it cracked all over when cutting - blaggh!!! My 1st attempt at making a frozen yoghurt in the Zoku maker got stuck and I snapped a stick trying to get it out, OMG what a failure of a day :0(

Today started better!! Andy the Australian High Commissioners wife took us for a spin around Tarawa. The main islands of Kiribati. She is amazing, been here for three years and speaks Gilbertese so well. Heard so many new words today, it is going to take ages to make head nor tail of the village names and get my head around the language, so far May has taught me - Hello, goodbye, see you tomorrow and yes!! We went right up to the north, as far as you can go in a car, then to get to the next island you need to wait till low tide to wade across of take a dinghy. How RUDE, I forgot the camera!! Betio, the village we live in is the most populated but up the top it is much less so and truely beautiful. It is all palm trees, coral roads and sand with the blue, blue waters of the lagoon. It is much cleaner up there and the boys had a paddle in the clear waters next to 'broken bridge' (it was broken for 2 years till the Australian Army engineers came over and repaired the bridge and the name has stuck). Sam screamed blue murder when I tried to get him out, poor Andy is not used to kids, methinks Sam really put her off for life, hehe!

Andy also took us to a lovely little cafe that serves 'real' coffee and we started the morning with affragoto (ice cream with a shot of coffee poured over!), the boys had a banana smoothie.

Never fear JJ wants to see the 'north' now so it won't be long till we go again and I will definately take my camera this time!

We finishe the morning driving back to Betio and stopping to do groceries on the way. I-Mart over the causeway in the next village is a favourite of the expats as they stock loads of Australian imports. So we picked up some Rice Bubbles, Pauls UHT milk, roasted peppers and a freddo frog for the boys! We got some bananas from the roadside and then on to the compound to put a weary little Sam to bed.

Right off for a swim as Sam is asleep and Jack wants to play, bliss a swim on my own.......catch you soon :0)

.......swim was bliss, I scubbed the sides of the pool, floated on the noodle (no floating lounge as I thought with the boys I'd never get a chance to use it!) & read in the sun for a while!

note to oneself: sunscren car window arm as it'll get burnt on a morning out!!

Excitement today, Thursday fortnights is out Diplomatic mailbag delivery and I GOT MAIL, bless you my dear Livvy! I loved my card AND letter too. I'm saving the Out Back magazine for when Sam is next aslep and I can sit and read with a cuppa on the verandah :0)

An i-Kiribqti man up the coconut palm, this is not James our gardener but he goes up the tree when I ask for some green coconuts!!

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