Saturday, 21 January 2012

Quiet Saturday

Having a break from baking today, finished a book (fiction) about the wreak of the Batavia. Won't be recommending it, too weird. Left me feeling quite odd, JJ's going to read it and will probably enjoy it.

OMG less than 2 weeks in and I am struggling with feeding my family. The fresh produce is just so limited. So is the meat really, all frozen and just chunks or in bulk so it is hard to identify!! Finding we can get potatoes and carrots fairly well but the rest is very hit and miss. I bought a capsicum that was 3 parts rotten & I paid $5 for that privilege!!! People tell me they can't grow capsicum here but will give it a try. No lettuce just cucumber and occasionally avocados (of all things!) Not much in the way of tomatoes either, very scare!!
The GG arrives for a head of State visit early next month i think??? We are hoping that we can get a box of fresh fruit and vege put on the RAAF plane. Our Airline who used to fly from Brisbane with refuelling in Honiara & Nauru then straight to Tarawa no longer flies which means the overnight stop via Fiji makes it very difficult to bring back and fresh produce or meat like the expats so often did when flying Our Airline, oh well, I am feeling the fat rolls building from all the carbs!! Better read up on the gym equipment and get in there!!

the compound next door is part of the Kiribati Police Training centre. Blue houses are owned by the government. The thatching is traditionally Pandanus and water tight!

Our neighbours!! JJ & Jack took a walk out on the mud flats at low tide to see the WWII bomber plane remains that are exposed at low tide. Of couse the WWII history is one of the reasons JJ wanted this posting, it's his thing!


  1. Love reading your blogs Jodie. You are a very brave lady to live there. The kids would drive me nuts with the limited amount of fruit and vege. Love all the photos - love to to see the before and after of your guest room makeover. Are you homeschooling Jack? Gald you are all loving your new adventure, Take Care and keep the blogs coming xo

    1. Hi Leonie,
      Thanks for your comments, good idea re the photos for the guest room!! Yep going to start homeschooling Jack son, once school room organised. Hope all is well with you, you must be amazed that you are over the 12 month mark already and looking towards home!! Jxx

  2. Can i send you seeds from Eden seeds capsicums and tomatoes will grow if you have the old seed much like TI i guess Just not in the wet We are doing east coast with Irene and Peter tomorrow my fav place Will try calling next week need to co ordinate super buzz $1 per minute lost 6 buck from no answer :( will try more cards Love you and the boys (all of them ) lol Lets swap recipes for chunks of frozen meat jokes thaw it half out identify re freeze what you dont need it is safe if it hasnt been frozen 10 times tinned potatoes are good remember and mushy peas You'll get there Love you to peeces meeces ♥♥♥ ps pass port filled out photos next

  3. Thanks Tess,

    I will certainly pick your brain re growing veges. Bugger about the lost money!! JJ tried phoning the other day and he couldn't get through either, dodgy and temperemental phone system here!!!!
    Have a lovely day on the East Coast.
    Been warned that if chicken pices are flat on 2 sides don't buy as it has been defrosted twice!!!!! Think meat gets refrozen a few times over here....forgot tinned potatoes but I don't recall seeing any of them, at present I have Surprise peas, I love them, JJ hates peas in any form!! (Veges too really!!) Jxx
