Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Part 2 of the Girl's weekend away...

Part 2 of the Girl's Weekend Away........ 
The first night in our rooms was fairly hot and uncomfortable due to very thin mattresses so our wonderful hosts moved our bedding, now with two mattresses!! out to the kia kia's. So under the mozzie nets, right by the ocean we fell asleep to the crash of the Pacific Ocean with a gentle cool breeze caressing our skin = bliss!!!

Day two we were back at Belrina's village for a swim, the kids came out with us and entertained us with their giggles and laughter, there English was poor but we had fun swimming, and teaching them to say "G'day Mate!!!"
Meei's daughters husband is also from Marrekei and it would have been rude of Meei to not call in, on arrival the kids were sent to the lagoon to catch Milk Fish which was promptly chargrilled over a fire and served with Taro, the local staple and rice, the fish was absolutely delectable and this was a typical example of the hospitality we received all weekend. Kristy and I made a pact to try every bit of food offered to us, the only thing I can honestly say I would not eat again was dried salted fish, yep it was foul!!! But we tried it.

On the last day our hosts at the guest house took us to their home and one old man there took us fishing for Tawaro, a type of crayfish cross yabby, prawn thing!! It was beautiful meat and we wanted to bring some home to share. So off we went well the current was so strong we couldn't keep up with this old man who moved like he was possessed and so we ended up enjoying a leisurely swim while he caught our Tawaro to take home!!!

the Tawaro......
the weekend came to an end all too soon, Balrina's family sent us on our way with garlands for our heads and enough food to feed all of Tarawa. We had a luggage allowance of 60 kg and we went over by another 30kg!!!!!! Luckily the agent was Balrina's aunty or something so she just put it on.....not to mention she checked us in and we were not even at the airport, our hosts decided not to waste our money hiring the council truck so they ferried all our bags, eskies, bananas and gifts to the airport on their motorbikes while we walked!!! It was so funny to be walking to the airport, but not to worry we were assured the plane would wait for us if we were late!!! However we made it on time and had a lovely pile of Moi-Moto (Green Coconuts) to drink while waiting for the plane.

It was the most fabulous weekend away and we were totally spoilt for the experience. It was a true privilege to experience this island's way of life and if I had have gone earlier in our time here I think I would have ended up back there, living for a month and learning the traditional way of life. It is a life of little material things and all about living in the now and subsistence living, it's simplicity and joy was amazing and maybe one day I'll get back there, thank you Meei and Balrina for this experience.
ti a bo moa

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