Monday, 1 October 2012

A busy weekend

It was my turn to read at the library on Saturday.....I inherited the Saturday reading program from an outgoing volunteer. We spend and hour or so at the library reading to and then listening to the local kids read in English. Jack and Sam enjoy the interaction and visit. Meei brings her kids along too and watches Sam for me but this weekend she was away. I ask JJ to come along and to our delight he did, and thoroughly enjoyed it too. It is great to hear the kids reading, many read well, just don't have the comprehension skills.

Reading "Jollo Olly Octopus" to the 40 odd kids that turned up this weekend
Jack and Sam doing some drawings in the School Room with Nancy's new crayons!
The kiakia out the front has finally got a roof on. It is SO plesant sitting there having a wine at the end of a long day, watching the kids play with the dog and the chooks scratching about. The tide is high here, just the other side of the fence, with a gentle breeze it is bliss!!
Sunday was a busy day of cooking in preperation of our two guests. I cooked an orange cake, Sonia's slice, jamdrop bikkies, a raisin loaf and a quiche shell ready to be filled today. Meei and I had prepared the guest room with a single bed etc only to find out late last night that our secong guest is not arriving due to her plane not leaving Tonga, gotta love Air Pacific and their lax attitude to getting people around the Pacific!!!!
So JJ's collegue Birgetta arrives today until Thursday. Another busy week as JJ flies out next Monday for Tuvalu. He has organised a joint patrol with the Kiribati and Tuvalu Patrol Boats.
I can't belive that in 9 weeks we shall be leaving Tarawa for Melbourne and Christmas, my how this year has flown.........
si a bo for now

1 comment:

  1. Kiakia looks great. What a beautiful place to relax with a glass of wine. Will the new play equipment go out near there? xx
