Thursday, 5 July 2012

From the house of the poorly

Yet again I am so overdue for a post!!! I do have a very good excuse, I was out of action for a good 10 -12 days and most of that time I was delirious in bed and fairly out of it all. JJ was so close to calling the RAAF in to fly me out as I kept collapsing when I got out of bed and didn't eat or drink for a good 7 days (not a very good nurse!!) I guess everyone gets some sort of tropical lurgy and as I have missed out on most things going around I was bound to get something.

Any way I am feeling 100% better, but once better I started logging on for emails but completely forgot about my blog!! How strange!! So I have just started getting out and about again. The vege garden completely died in my absence, probably due to the incredible amount of rain (even the Taiwanese Mission Farms aren't getting any veggie at the moment!). Chummy the dog has doubled in size during my absence and the chooks who should be laying are not and if they haven't started by the time we leave for Fiji in 3 weeks will find themselves in the freezer!!!

While I was out of it, Meei looked after the boys for JJ during the day and our container of goodies finally arrived. It consisted of, a new BOSCH washing machine, a new bed, 2 new vehicles and a cover for the pool!! I think it was a good week or so before I could appreciate it all, indeed get downstairs to look at the car.

I have taken on a program called the Book Read Program at the National Library. It consists of having a reader each week read a few stories to the assembled kids and then listen to them reading in English. It is loads of fun, but the usual problems with finding volunteers!! Jack loves going and I haven't taken Sam yet as I keep picturing him pulling all the books of the shelf!!!

Tomorrow we are of to the Australia High Commission to celebrate NAIDOC week, I have a few Torres Strait island books to read and we are going to do some Aboriginal painting and craft!! Photos to follow....

Well I am going to sign of now I have touched base. Next week is Independence week and I shall have loads of photos from the march and parade next Thursday so stay tuned

Ti a bo
(bye for now)

Jodes xoxox


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. It certainly was a nasty tropical virus. Hope Sam is OK now and Jack has avoided contacting it. Stay well and I bet you are looking forward to your well deserved holiday. xx

  2. Glad to hear you are ok! I had been thinking about you and was wondering whey I had not seen anything on here or on FB from your for ages! How awful for you though. Sending my love to you all xoxo
